Great event with Josh Freeman (and some pictures)

Some of the WTB crew headed out last night to MacDintons to be served drinks by the face of the Bucs franchise, Josh Freeman. Now Josh is no stranger to the crew as he has shown his prowess at pong with the Doc and his group previously, but this event was to kickoff his camp for kids here in the Tampa Bay area. Now you might think that the celebrity bartender would take it easy but I am here to tell you, that was not the case.

First and foremost (and before the KState kids who are still berating me for my video about Josh on draft day come screaming), I continue to be impressed with Josh. In this capacity, he was more of an ambassador than anything else, but he was friendly, open, enjoyable and worked his ass off behind the bar. By all outward appearances, he is doing everything he can on the field as well and I know us Buc fans hope that translates into a stronger year for our team.

Here are some pictures from the event. Big thanks to Captain Bones for the shots. You will notice that I am now the owner of the shirt off Josh freeman’s back! He was kind enough to sign it for me at the end of the evening.

Washing it may be a requirement!

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"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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