Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ Tennessee Titans

The first game of 2009! Offseason sucks, especially when there is no Arena Football to watch. As is tradition, the WTB? crew ran our preview show tonight. A few of the things we discussed were the predictive MVP’s on offense and defense as well as our score predictions.

NOTE: The predictions we make are SMOTHERED with Homerism. Neither The Doc nor I predict the Bucs will ever lose. Now, if you listen to the show, you will hear real analysis and we will caveat the hell out of our prediction, but Karma is a bitch, so we are not screwing with her (cause you KNOW Karma must be a chic!)

As a preseason game, the score is not really the most important piece of data. What we need are the opportunities to establish a true depth chart and answer some critical questions facing the franchise. Who is our real #1 QB? Has our OLine embraced the ZBS? Can our second tier receivers get the job done? The key things we want to see Saturday night are:

  1. Will Luke or Byron stand out against live fire?
  2. Will the OLine open some lanes for our RB committee
  3. What the hell will our defense look like?

If we can get some answers to those questions Saturday, we will have set a good pace. As for predictive MVP’s:

Sean “The Doc” Levy

  • Offensive MVP: Josh Johnson (NICE)
  • Defensive MVP: Jimmy “DynoMite” Wilkerson

Score Prediction

  • Bucs win, 23 – 17

Derek “OldSchool” Fournier

  • Offensive MVP: Jerramy Stevens
  • Defensive MVP: Quincy Black

Score Prediction

  • Bucs win, 27 – 14

We will be back, live, Monday night at 7:00 PM RIGHT HERE! Come join us to review the Titan’s game and what we learned. Remember to subscribe to this blog (Link in the sidebar) as well as the podcast and spread the word about What The Buc?


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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