3rd Annual TSI Yields Over $27K to 1Voice

As you know, we tend to be very active in the community. Our 501c3, What the Buc Really Matters Foundation continues to grow and partner with community groups and provide whatever time, talent or treasure our group and those we touch (used that word for you, Matt) can muster. Well, three years ago we started a golf tournament to benefit a group we have become particularly connected to, the 1Voice Foundation. The funds raised here and elsewhere (like the spectacular Earnest Graham Inshore Slam) go to a team that focuses on the cause, the care and the cure. They are active in all aspects of research, support, legislation and education as well as intrinsic to the familial support these kids desperately need.

This year was our 3rd Installment and we want to thank EVERYONE for their help and participation. Our Title Sponsor this year are our long time friends, the amazing people from Steakhouse Elite. They, along with our other amazing sponsors and players made this day come true! They along with our entire cast of sponsors share our dedication to 1Voice and demonstrate that through their financial support. We will be looking for that support again in year 4 and aiming higher as we are known to do.


We are very proud of the team and the amazing families involved in this endeavor. For a quick flavor fo the event, take a look at the video montage put together by Daisey Charlotte:

Go ahead and mark your calendars for next year’s event as we are sure it will sell out. We will be back at River Hills Country Club on April 21st.


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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