Get your 2 Hand Touch Session in Tonight!

As it is a weekly show, 2 Hand Touch will be airing tonight at 8:00 PM (til 10:00) on 1010 AM (CBS SPorts Radio). Streamed right here, you can also catch us on Tonight,t eh show will be all about the Dolphins and preseason so far as well as the insight of the hon0rable Steve White (@sgw94) who will be joining us for the second and third segment of the hour (and rumor has it, he may actually be in the studio next week. We might have to do something special for that one if that is the case. I am thinking Tampa Breeze-ish!)

Topics for discussion tonight:

  1. Where is our running game?
  2. Whilst looking for that, has anyone seen our offensive line?
  3. Don’t look now, but the Bucs have the leading sacker of the QB in the league. Do you know him? Will he make the team?
  4. On a side note, the Bucs are one sack behind the league leaders. Does this matter?
  5. Can you really tell anything from preseason games?
  6. Since the game against the Redskins is Thursday, we will also talk Roster, hard decisions and who can step up in the final game.
We will talk about far more than that, and the Chatroom (That blue color means that is a link folks) is a GREAT way to interact with us during the show! So grab a drink and join the Bucs Babe and I live tonight!


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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