Quick Video Preview: Week 2 at Carolina

Out come the Panther fans. Fresh off an ass whipping by the Giants, I recently heard (via YouTube) “Couple things here man, Carolina’s youth movement wasn’t as extensive as Tampa’s. So while they are young they still have a better core and leadership. That being said if they can’t beat a bunch of rookies at home then they should donate their paychecks to a charity. If John Fox gets out coached by a guy who was hired because he was cheap (no experience) then it is truly time for Carolina to find a new coach. This should be Carolina’s pick-me-up game, anything less they should feel like failures.”

One game is not enough to build a statistical case (and the one it builds is decidedly in the favor of the Bucs). This is about heart. This is about ‘want to.’ The Panthers have handed us our asses for the better part of 7 seasons. (longer in some ways). They did ‘us’ better than we did for god’s sake! Can our young team and younger leadership turn the tide against a Panthers team that is staggering from the loss last week and must be questioning their leadership on offense? I think we can.


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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