Welcome our newest writer, BucsGirl-DK

We have been looking for some assistance with new content and specifically, content around the Tampa Bay Rays. As many of you know, I hate baseball. I also know that other people think it is the greatest thing since Lingerie Football (they are wrong!). So, in an effort to broaden our horizons, our long time listener and friend of the program, Anita, is stepping up! Get to know her in this article and then enjoy her first entry!

“Born and raised in a small town in Denmark sports played a big role in my life from an early age. I’ve never played anything at an elite level but name a sport and there is a good chance I played competitively for at least a couple of years. Soccer, handball and badminton among others when I was a kid and stuff like kickboxing, basketball and fastpitch softball the past eight years. When I’m not playing I love watching sports on TV or talking about and analyzing sports.

I was first able to watch football every Sunday from around the 2001 season and instantly fell in love with the 2002 Buccaneers. That love quickly spread to the Lightning and Rays as well and after having watched baseball a couple of years I wanted to play myself and joined the local softball team in 2006. This past summer I was in Belgium playing for the Danish national team in the B European Championships and hopefully one of these days we can bring home a national championship to my team again. I will do my best to keep you updated on everything going on with the Tampa Bay Rays here on the site.

I’m still in college, three semesters away from a masters degree in accounting. In the fall of 2008 I spent four of the best months of my life as an exchange student in West Lafayette, Indiana and is proud to call myself a Purdue University alum. Got to love the Midwest and the great people living there.”
