What the Breeze? – Yup, we support the ladies too!

[singlepic id=1155 w=320 h=240 float=left]As you are all aware, the folks at WTB? love football. Well, it is no surprise that when gorgeous women decide to play football we became immediately interested. The story got better when we learned that it was the Lingerie Football League. At that point, we needed security details!

That was last year. Now we have a number of good relationships (we use that word because it is mysterious and implies more so we get street cred while not offending anyone, least of all the ladies on the team who, realistically, could all kick our asses…and yours too) with the team and last night we got to see them play against their hated rival, the Miami Caliente. Well, Caliente it was! The game was intense with a display of excellent football and the heat was evident by the multiple altercations, ejections and bench clearing brawl that bled over into the tunnels after the game. (Not with our Breeze girls, they were under control and they had issued an ass whipping on the field so additional histrionics would have been unnecessary).

The Breeze got the job done behind a balanced attack from both their vets like 2009 Defensive Player of the Year, Liz Gorman and Tiffani Powers as well as a new class of Breezies (their word so don’t start making fun of me for watching Glee!) led by MVP of the game Saige Steinmetz and KK Methany.  Here are some of the images captured by roving reporter, Roman Diaz. I was fortunate enough to do color commentary on the game which was carried by 1010 AM with Mike Pepper. Once I get teh audio I will host it for your listening pleasure!

Make sure you plan to be there for the next game for our Playoff Bound Breeze on January 13th at the St Pete Times Forum!

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"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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