Merry Christmas Bucs Fans!

As I sit here on Christmas Eve Day looking far too much like Santa for my Doctor’s liking, I wanted to take some time out and thank all of you who read, listen and/or watch our humble broadcast. Three years ago, after tiring of my bitching about local media and their lack of knowledge and, in some cases more importantly, passion, my wife told me to do something about it. With the help of my close friend Dave Sanchez, we started this site (well, not this site exactly, but you get the point). Since that time, people have come in and out of the broadcast as life has intervened. New jobs, changed locale, all parts of real life. But here we sit, three years later, and the site and show are continuing to grow.

You regulars know I am not a religious man (yet I love Christmas…Hmmm. Maybe it is the Winter Solstice that gets me.) But every year at this time I get very contemplative. I become increasingly thankful of the wonderful people in my life and to be honest, this effort is a significant part of my life. Aside from my wife (Elena) and my son (Nicholas), my friends are the family that I have chosen. I am honored to have made many new family members through this show.

So, no matter where you are this holiday season, whether your faith has you celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus or any variant thereof, take time to tell the folks you care about how much they mean to you. Since we have been together for three years, we have also lost people that we all knew. Our life is a temporary one so make sure you try to enjoy every minute. I know that things can creep in to bring down spirits (Greg…I am talking about you right now…as an OC though. I am sure you are a fine person and I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas!) A horrible year in sports gets us all a bit fired up. The economy being in the tank causes very real pain and hardship to many of us. And while this is a sports site and not known to be overly deep, I hope that this time of year reminds people that companionship in all of its forms is worth celebrating (not that kind Nnud…well, maybe).

So to all of our supporters and friends, I would like to thank you. To our extended staff (a necessity as things have grown), another hearty thank you (Spent, Bones, Red, Paizan, Rino, Incognito, GDubbz  probably others that I left off and will receive crap for later). I hope you are all having a wonderful time this Holiday Season. We will see each other again soon, so no reason for New Years Resolutions yet. Enjoy your family, friends and reach out to others who you may have had squabbles with if you can. This is a great time for that sort of thing.

Merry Christmas from the crew at “What the Buc?”

And to make this Bucs Related, my Buccaneer’s Santa Claus Wishlist

  • A new Offensive Coordinator (Not Les Steckel or Mike Shula)
  • A dominant DT (ANY)
  • A clone of TJAck
  • Some depth at WR
  • Aaron Sears to return healthy
  • SOMEBODY to trade M80 to for anything
  • A healthy, fulltime FB (Askew or other) to enable EGraham to run the ball
  • A line coach that can motivate our DE’s to produce regularly (highs and lows suck)

I don’t want to be selfish, but feel free to add your items in the comments section.


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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