Panthers sweep us behind 5 interception day by Josh Freeman

Discussing a loss has become a normal thing here at WTB? this year. Tonight’s show will go into the lunacy of Greg Olsen. We will discuss the progress where there was some as well as the new setbacks that our beloved Buccaneers are facing. As the year plods forward like Jeremy Trueblood trying to stop an edge rush, we are left to wonder what might have been. The Panther fans who were mysteriously absent for the pregame show will be out in force I am sure. We have to look at a stat sheet that shows 469 yards of offense to 309. A set of rushing stats that show that we were only out-gained on the ground by the mighty Panthers by 3 yards (157 – 154). Where the sheet gets ugly is in the Red Zone efficiency area. This is an area that we had been doing quite well at this year (despite precious few trips INTO the Red Zone). In fact, at the outset of the contest, we were 2nd in the NFL. Against the Panthers, 0-4. That is 0% for the mathematically challenged.

Join us tonight to degrief (and talk about the game). Topics will include:

  1. News from around the league
  2. Injury Updates
  3. LFL Game Experience and Review
  4. Discussion Points
  5. Game Breakdown
  6. Skulls and Swords

For Discussion tonight I offer up the following:

  1. Does it make sense to throw the ball 44 times?
  2. How many backup QB’s can we lose to?
  3. Is Greg Olson the worst OC in the universe or am I blinded by my hatred?
  4. What’s next? Will we really only win 1 game?
  5. Is Jeremy Trueblood REALLY that stupid?
  6. 2 plays out. Does the punishment fit the crime?

Get your Skulls and Swords into questions AT whatthebuc DOT net early and join us tonight at 7:00 PM!


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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